Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday musings from Nagercoil

Today was our last full day of teaching here.  I presented my last lecture on the Holy Spirit and the scriptures.  I found that it worked better to not use any sort of computer presentation.  The power goes off at certain times in the state here I have learned.  In a twenty four hour period, there are 8 hours that it goes off staggered throughout the day.  There is not enough power for the region so there are these rolling blackouts.  The compound where we are teaching has a generator that kicks in but it still causing some glitches.  I also found that most of the students don't understand english anyway.  I had the portion of the course where we were digging deep into the scriptures.  So writing down a passage on the board and listening to the students battle it out to see who could read it aloud first in Tamil was actually fun.

We decided to do a question and answer period in our combined class on Holiness Doctrine.  It was interesting to hear their questions regarding water baptism and speaking in tongues.  Problems that the officers were having in their areas of ministry with other churches attacking the SA's position.  We had several of them ask these sorts of questions and attempting to get them back on the theology of holiness.  It was a good portion of time with the delegates.

The thing here is that the students do not mingle with the teachers.  So for us to actually open up and ask them to ask us anything seemed to be a huge deal.

We finish our time here on Saturday with two final classes and a time of covenant in the afternoon.  Steve and I will be preaching at seperate Corps on Sunday.  They are going to take us sight seeing on Sunday after church services.  Then, its over.  We head back to the airport at 8:30 on Monday which is 7 pm Sunday night LA time.  We will be traveling till 10:30 am Tuesday morning LA time. I am trying not to think of that.

Things I have experienced....

constant horn honking

cold showers

sleeping on a bed that is as hard as the floor

smiles...lots of smiles

the figure eight formations of head twisting

goats eating in the street and everyone stopping for them

oppressive heat

power outages. constantly

incredible hospitality from the Salvationists here.

trash and the burning of trash filling the air with constant smoke smells

not one misquote bite to date

a body clock that doesn't know what time it is.

Devotion.  Devotion to God like I haven't seen or experienced.

Students who are paying attention to every word and movement we make all day long.

This has been a great journey.  The feeble attempts to write here cannot capture all that I am experiencing.  But I do share with you my deep appreciation to those of you who have not forgotten us in your prayers.  Your prayers are working and the people are appreciating them.

Time for dinner.  We order room service.  Tonight, KFC. Not like USA KFC but, well, its a mystery really.  Chicken.  Rice.  And a bottle of pepsi.  For about 3 US dollars.  And all will be well with the world.

More later.


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