Tuesday, July 23, 2013


One day I am going to do some serious research on a day in the life of my FB newsfeed.  I think it would be an interesting case study to document the types of postings, the reasons why the post was made and the attitudes that are generated from a simple status up date.  

Its interesting what pops up on my newsfeed.  Sometimes its discouraging and quickly gets my blood boiling. Other times it sautrates  my soul with joy, especially to see what God is doing in the life and ministry of many of my former students (at least the ones that let me see and still have me as a friend!)

Here are some of the samplings of the attitudes and things I read today:  cynicism; self promotion;  conspiracy theorist; snarkism; current health status; world travels; scripture verses; beautiful photos of God's creation; what people eat; pictures of kids playing, laughing, eating, napping; ads for products I have no interest in...etc.  The list can go on and does so.

The things that get to me are the salvationists who continue to make flippant comments about things pertain to SA ministry, whether its policy and procedures, uniform wearing or what not.  In the back of my mind I think if it troubles you so much why in the world are you still sticking around?  And for gunny sacks, why are you posting it for the world to see?  It really doesn't change anything other than allowing the person to vent. And worse, it makes them look really bad.  At least my perception of them is bent.

I have developed a love hate relationship with all of this social media stuff.  In 2006 when I came to the staff training college I was asked to develop a course that explored current trends.  We are now in our 8th year of this course simply called "Emerging Trends."  Back then I required all of the students to keep a 'Xanga' account.  It was one of the first major blogging sites.

Of course now its exploding with facebook, vine, tumblr, and, as my father likes to call it, 'tweeter'.  In a weird way I sort of regret that we have all of this and that I actually encouraged people to use it.  I am rapidly moving in the other direction now as I have seen too many negative impacts that have resulted from a sour posting from a person having a bad moment.

I have made a really concerntrated effort to post on the positive side of things here.  I don't want to be cheesy or come across as super spiritual - that is really nothing but hiding behind my false self and reeks of Phariseeism.  One needs to be very intentional and mindful of a posting because you never know who may read it or what sort of lasting impression it will leave.  

So here are a few hash tags I would love to see pop up: #endingthenegative #wwjp  #whatwouldjesuspost

Lets keep the negative buried in our hard copy diaries.  When we post for others to read lets do so with keeping the glory of God in mind.  My aching heart will thank you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen Major Foley. I often read posts that are so upsetting that I have to hide them from my feed. I hope that anything I post on my FB would be pleasing to the Lord. We are constantly being a witness to people all around us...and it is easy to feel anonymous on FB - but we never know who is looking and who could be stumbled in their faith by our words. Words do hurt. Thanks for your comments!