The following is the plan that I have submitted to Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary regarding the plan for my research methodology. As you can see its pretty simple and straightforward. I will await feedback, corrections and eventual approval before I will be embarking on the formal survey.
Please note my survey will not be internationally focused. I will be primarily focusing on how sabbath plays out in the lives of officers in the Western Territory per say. I will however be posting the link to the survey monkey on the Facebook group page: The Sabbath & the Salvationist. I will entertain comments and responses from those outside the Western Territory and will treat it in a separate index.
I am hoping to launch the survey August 1 and will run it for 30 days.
Its fair to say as I progress on this project that I am receiving lots of comments, questions and suggestions from both officer, solider, employee and just friends who are curious. A nerve has been indeed touched. I appreciate your prayers for me as I attempt to balance a full time ministry position as Training Principal, a busy travel and speaking schedule and attempting to finding my own sabbath and furlough time. I welcome any and all comments on this subject matter.
I am not here to debate any legalist approach to this subject. I am simply out to define the problem and help to implement a plan that may assist others to keep sabbath rest a priority. If this all will be come a habit in my life then I feel I will have completed what I feel that God has set out for me to explore here.
Please note my survey will not be internationally focused. I will be primarily focusing on how sabbath plays out in the lives of officers in the Western Territory per say. I will however be posting the link to the survey monkey on the Facebook group page: The Sabbath & the Salvationist. I will entertain comments and responses from those outside the Western Territory and will treat it in a separate index.
I am hoping to launch the survey August 1 and will run it for 30 days.
Its fair to say as I progress on this project that I am receiving lots of comments, questions and suggestions from both officer, solider, employee and just friends who are curious. A nerve has been indeed touched. I appreciate your prayers for me as I attempt to balance a full time ministry position as Training Principal, a busy travel and speaking schedule and attempting to finding my own sabbath and furlough time. I welcome any and all comments on this subject matter.
I am not here to debate any legalist approach to this subject. I am simply out to define the problem and help to implement a plan that may assist others to keep sabbath rest a priority. If this all will be come a habit in my life then I feel I will have completed what I feel that God has set out for me to explore here.
Research Methodology Models
24, 2014
Spiritual Formation for
Ministry Leaders
Mentor: Dr. Stephen
Theological Seminary
My thesis project will attempt to explore an existing problem
within my denomination regarding the Sabbath.
While “doing the most good” is a terrific mantra to capture the essence
of 21st century ministry within The Salvation Army, there are many
officers in its ranks, in particular in the western region of the United States,
that seem to not take time for regular sabbath keeping. I hope to discover through my research what
are some of the current trends, traits, statistics, causes and possible cures
through my efforts.
The particular areas in my research methodology that I want
to use would be related to the collection, deciphering, tabulating and
analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data would be that of a personal
survey. The means and manner in which
this will be conducted is through a survey monkey online format. I plan to
purchase a premium version of to use in my research.
As presented in the
material in module 2, I will be using basic descriptive statistical methods to
analyze the questionnaire type information that is collected through these
personal surveys. I will use various
illustrations such pie chart or linear bar graphs to highlight some of the
findings. I will also be drawing out
information from the various sub groups that are identified in my research as
will be explained further in this paper.
The survey it self will have some simple yes or no type questions. There will be questions that will allow for
written responses and the sharing of opinions and ideas from the person
I have toyed with the idea of doing individual case studies
and have considered that for the sake of brevity I would solicit one volunteer
from each of the sub groups for further interviews. This may prove challenging due to time and
distance constraints. I will make sure
proper waivers and permissions are secured from these individuals before I
publish the results.
I also have developed a Facebook group page dedicated to this
project where I will post a link to the survey.
This will allow me to collect data from various other parts of the world
in which the Salvation Army officers work and are interested in sharing their
opinions. I will treat the data
collected from here as appendixes information.
I have had a lot of inquiries from all over the world in regards to this
subject so I thought this might be the best way to allow people to share and
keep the entire survey under control.
In my dissertation
I will explore the problem that faces the individual officer in regards to Sabbath
knowledge and the lack of application to one's personal life. I plan to explore
the challenge of a Christian institution that respects the corporation ideals
of Sabbath but the individuals have a difficult time making it a living reality
in their lives. I plan to conduct
research in the form of personal surveys and case studies that will need to be
developed. Here is a brief outline of my plan:
- The plan will focus on selecting and conducting a survey of both active and retired officers assigned specifically to the Western Territory region in regards to personal Sabbath keeping. (This is the geographic area that I am currently assigned to.)
- Data will be collected from field officers in Corps ministry (church), administrative headquarters (denominational district leadership and resource positions), ARC and Social Services officers (drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers and officers assigned to social service ministries) and education officers (CFOT – College for Officer Training).
- The scope of the plan is to limit the number of this group to get an over all sampling to over 650 active officers assigned to the Western Territory of The Salvation Army, USA.
- The data to be collected represents a wide range of ages, cultural backgrounds, years of ministry experience and educational backgrounds.
- Data will be collected primarily using the digital tools of survey monkey and responses from the Facebook group page: The Sabbath and the Salvationist.
- The data will be analyzed using basic quantitative and qualitative means of explanation. Pie charts, bar graphs and narrative descriptions will be used in the finding of the statistical information.
There will be no doubt some
additional thoughts that will come to my research methodology as I consider
more opportunities in the development of this plan. I reserve the right here to allow for
additional or considerations for modifications here but certainly this will be
keep in reason due to time constraints.
I do not plan to bite off more than I can chew.
Sample Questions
The following is a listing of
the questions I will be using. I plan to
keep this line of questioning very succinic and short, attempting not to ask
more than 12 to 15 questions.
Please note: I
have not at the time of this writing formatted all the types of questions that
I would use in the survey. I would like
to consider formatting some yes & no format questions; multiple choice and
allowing open-ended short answer type responses. The following is a simple
example of the types of things I might ask:
- How would you define Sabbath?
- Do you practice Sabbath in your life?
- If so how is it practiced in your life?
- What are some of the challenges or hindrances that prevent you from taking a regular Sabbath?
- What have been some of the benefits in your life of taking a regular Sabbath?
- Do you use all your furlough (vacation) time each year? If not, why not?
- In your ministry setting what are some of the challenges that you face that may prevent you from taking a regular Sabbath?
- What do you think what is the value of Sabbath keeping?
- In what ways has Sabbath keeping played into your longevity in ministry? (This would be asked for officers service 15 years up plus retired officers.)
- What are some of the ways you have practiced Sabbath over the years?
- What does the practice of regular Sabbath look like for you?
- If you do not practice Sabbath on a regular basis do you feel you are violating a commandment of God? If so, why? If no, why not?
Note: again this is by no
means a complete or final list of questions but will act as a basic guideline
as I work on fine-tuning this before the questions are sent out in the survey.
As far as I have been able at
this point to discover no one in the history of my denomination has every fully
researched and written on the topic of sabbath keeping. I feel that the work I am engaged in will be
truly beneficial to many officers. After
I have been able to identify the problem my plan is to give some very practical
and succinct answers going forward as to how Sabbath keeping can become a
regular part of one’s life. My attempt
here is to create a dialogue within the confines of my denomination primarily
in the Western Territory. But already
this is proving to be a nerve that I have touched in which this work will have
some broader ramifications throughout the world wide of the officer force of
The Salvation Army.
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