Friday, October 15, 2010

The week that was

Its been good getting back in the writing mode.  I forgot how threaputic it can be to my soul.

A rewind of sorts is always good.  Lets me know where I came from so I can find direction of where I am going.  It was an interesting week...

Work wise - meeting with a recruitier for entering a possible Phd program.  My secretary prepping for a 4 month hiatus from the office as she goes on maternity leave next week.  Meetings.  Teaching - in the middle of Exodus.  Grading.  Lots of grading bible studies and using digital grading methods now makes it interesting. I enjoy my job.  Oh, and filling out that annual survey...should I stay or should I go. Reading the letter stating I am to be awarded the Rotary Educator of the Year from the PV district in early November.  I think they got the wrong professor.

Family wise - helping my son find his way on his own to film shoots and auditions.  Google visual maps and lots of patience helps.  Helping my daughter get her car repaired and driving a tiny red Chevy compact that drives like a tank.  Helping my wife literally heal her wounds from various out patient surgeries on her back and toes.  And wrestling with the news of her latest medical woe that I can't share here.  Becoming a social studies tutor to my youngest child as she is struggling her way through 8th grade history and the revolutionary war.  Trying not to get too mad seeing the illegal amount of home work this school district pours on these kids.  Keeping my dog Max healthy with his asthma and allergies.  Getting my finger bit by a guinea pig that I am sorely tempted to feed to the red tailed hawks that circle my home on a daily basis.

Soul wise - the Lord has been challenging me with my leadership skills and quick thinking situations.  Its very difficult to put into words all that happens inside of me but I feel these days a sense of holy confidence coming over me.  Its not cockiness but rather the assurance that I am on the right path and I need to keep at it.

Finally, I believe one of the reasons this blog is coming alive again is frankly, because both my wife and my good friend MMorton remind me, there lies a book within me.  I doubt it would ever get published but before I die, I got to get it out.  I actually lined out ten chapters today and will begin a process of writing the Kroc tale.  I did approach the powers that be in the SA editorial department a few years ago on the subject and there was limited if any interest.   But I realize for the sake of my soul and what we have done with others on this, its time to put pen to paper.

Its been a good week.  My SF Giants are in the playoffs.  The weather is cooling off.  My father turns 83 three I believe tomorrow and I am grateful he is still around in my life.  Happy birthday Dad.



1 comment:

Karen Lovelady said...

I like your writing... I can hear your voice. You have a gift, so keep it up. I have thought about writing too, but I don't know where I would go... Would not want it to be just rambling. I am praying on it!