Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Dusting this off

 So this blog has been in active for the past three years as my focus has been on my role as editor in chief for National Publications of the Salvation Army.  That role is coming to an end with the duties split between two people and the department reorganized.  My wife and I are under farewell orders back to the western territory.  

This blog will become more active as I tend to write more and do more self publishing. Because of my role I have had to tred lightly in areas that could be considered opinions of the organization rather than mine. 

This is my space and reflects my opinions as I journey on.  There is more coming to this space soon. 

I also plan to keep my web page open. You can see that at www.timfoleyonline.com

Thanks for joining me with my thoughts and reflections.  I hope it proves helpful to you. I know this blog is holistic to me. 


April 13 2021. Alexandria VA 

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